Saturday, October 5, 2013

There is a Green Hill Near to Here

Today was a beautiful Sabbath day for many reasons. I have found that I usually feel the Spirit the strongest when I am gathered with the saints in our little Jerusalem Branch. The feelings I get during Sacrament meeting as I overlook Jerusalem are indescribable. However, I testify that it doesn’t take experiences like these (walking physically where He walked) to gain a knowledge of who Jesus Christ is. My testimony started in my early years within the walls of my own home, and continues to grow in spite of the fact that I am in the Holy Land (although being here does help me to think of Him more often and in a different way). Each of us can gain a testimony of the divinity of the Son of God as we strive to walk where He walked in a spiritual sense. We literally become like Him as we follow Him gentle invitation to, “Come, follow me.”

I had the great chance of listening to the Prophet speak today. We saw a rebroadcasting of the Relief Society broadcast and the first session of General Conference. I am so grateful for the knowledge that the Heavens are open and that God speaks to us today. I invite each of you to listen to a prophet’s voice and pray that the same Spirit that rests upon them will rest upon you. As you do so, I promise you will receive answers you are seeking and that the light and hope of the restored gospel will fill your soul. How grateful I am for the opportunity to hear the words of Prophets and Apostles from thousands of miles away. This was one of the most spiritual experiences I’ve had in Jerusalem, and to think that this is an experience that people all over the world can have fills me with gratitude.

I also had the chance to go to the Garden of Gethsemane. It was not everything I expected in the fact that it was not very secluded, there was a lot of traffic and noise around, and all the trees are fenced off. However, it was still a powerful and uplifting experience because it lead me to think of my Savior and all that He has sacrificed for me and for all mankind. The words to the hymn, “Savior, Redeemer of my Soul” summarize my feelings.

Savior, Redeemer of my soul;
Whose mighty hand hath made me whole.
Whose wondrous pow’r hath raised me up,
And filled with sweet my bitter cup.
What tongue my gratitude can tell,
O gracious God of Israel.

Never can I repay Thee, Lord,
But I can love Thee, Thy pure word,
Hath it not been my one delight
My joy by day, my dream by night?
Then let my lips proclaim it still,
And all my life reflect Thy will.

O’er rule mine acts to serve Thine ends.
Change frowning foes to smiling friends.
Chasten my soul till I shall be
In perfect harmony with Thee.
Make me more worthy of Thy love
And fit me for the life above.

I testify that Christ can make our bitter cups sweet. He walked the loneliest road so that we don’t ever have to be alone. I can never repay Him for all that He has done, but I rejoice in Him and testify of His love and mercy. He has the power to make us whole and to help us become the kings and queens we are each meant to become.
Carissa, Me. and Shelby

Shelby, Me, Amanda, and Devyn

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