Sunday, October 27, 2013

So Many Amazing Things!

On Friday a group of us explored some neighborhoods in West Jerusalem. I love the simplicity and beauty of these neighborhoods.

On Thursday we had a Seder/Passover Dinner. Our Jewish professor, Ophir Yarden, took us through the 15 parts of the ritual service that leads up to the dinner. I was a part of a group that sang Dayenu, which means, "it would have been enough" or "it would have been sufficient." The Jews wrote this song to thank God for all that He blessed them with- delivering them out of slavery, giving them the Torah and Shabbat etc. Had God only given them one of these blessings, it would have sufficed. This song shows appreciation for the bounteous blessings God provided.

On the Sabbath, Carissa, Alecia, Angela, and I went to the Garden Tomb and found a place to sing away from the crowds of tourists. We ended up singing hymns for an hour and a half. We were so excited when individuals stopped to listen. Some of them even took pictures and video! We are given very few opportunities to share our beliefs about Jesus Christ while here in Jerusalem, but what better way to testify than through song?
My favorite encounter occurred when we spoke to a German man. We had just finished singing, "Because I have been given much." At the end of the song he said with a thick German accent, "Jesus is my Lord." Then he pointed to us and said once again, this time getting emotional, "Jesus is my Lord too. Thank you!" How sweet it was to share a common belief in the Savior. This experience changed my perspective. I orignally went to the Garden Tomb to experience the peace and Spirit of the place for myself. Now I realize, it's not all about me. The experiences I am having here are not just to benefit me, but the Lord intends for me, and for all of us, to reach out to others, to bless and strengthen them too. When we lose our lives in His service, we are made alive in Christ. He changes our hearts and helps us to become new creatures. He makes us more fit for service in His kingdom.

 Today a group of us went to Ain Karem, a town 20 minutes south of Jerusalem, to serve in the home for children with special needs. I spent the morning with my new friend Liad. We sang songs, played in the musical garden, smelled herbs and flowers, and laughed a lot. What a special boy he is! I am so grateful for his reminder of what matters most: love, acceptance, purity, a closeness to the Spirit. I learned so much from my dear friend Liad.

(Posted with permission)

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