Saturday, September 7, 2013

My Heart is Full!

I know that words will not be sufficient to express the beauty and wonder of this day, but I hope that you can feel a taste of what I have felt today. Jesus Christ truly is the Bread of Life and the Living Water. I testify of this truth with all my heart- a heart that has been filled and blessed so richly with His love. He invites all people to come and eat of that Bread and drink of that Living water!

My day began in one of my favorite parts of the Jerusalem Center. I am so grateful for the beautiful building we live in and for the way it was constructed. The room we met in for Sacrament meeting has large, dome-shaped windows that face the Old City. Singing the hymns of the gospel and partaking of the Sacrament as I looked out at Jerusalem was an indescribable experience. To actually be in the land where the Sacrament was instituted by the Savior is a sacred privilege.

As I look out upon the land where my Savior lived, suffered, died, and was resurrected for you and me, my heart is filled with deep gratitude and love for Him, and for our Father who sacrificed His Son, and for the Holy Ghost that bears witness of these things. I testify with all my heart that there is power in remembering Him. Although you may or may not get the experience of being in the Holy Land, I encourage you to take time each day to reflect on what He done for you and the deep, unconditional, matchless love He has for you. His Atonement and Resurrection is for all mankind, yet it was a very intimate experience. He experienced all that you, as an individual have and will experience.

I am in wonder and awe at the plan of our loving Heavenly Father for each of us. Being in Jerusalem at this time of my life was not a part of my plan, but by being here, I can testify with my whole soul that God’s plan is always better than our plan for ourselves. I was reminded of this as a woman shared her experiences from the time she was here in Jerusalem 13 years ago, as a young single adult. She was called as a Filipino representative to help the Filipino members of Jerusalem be involved and fellowshipped. She thought to herself that this calling was just one of the left overs, and the branch president gave it to her just so she could have a calling. However, when she returned home and received her mission call, the Lord’s purposes were revealed to her. She was called to the Philippines and later married a young man who was on the study abroad with her.

Now I am not saying my experiences will be just like hers, but I feel the Spirit whisper to me every day that the Lord is preparing me for great things to come. He is fulfilling promise after promise to me. Oh how wonderful is His plan and love! How great His wisdom!

I read this scripture at the Garden Tomb today that summarizes feelings in my heart. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him” (2 Cor. 2:9). Above this scripture was engraved the title, “Because He lives.” Truly, because of what Jesus Christ did, and because He lives, all blessings that we seek, all the righteous desires of our hearts, and all our hopes will become a reality.

I spent time at the place scholars believe is Golgotha and the Garden Tomb today. Whether or not these are the actual sites, I was lead to think of my Savior and His great love and sacrifice, and that made these sights sacred for me. How grateful I am that He not only lived and died for us on this earth, but that He has been resurrected and lives today to bless and strengthen us! In the tomb these words were engraved: “He is not here; for He is risen.” What joy this truth brings! I testify with all my heart that He lives and loves you! May you allow His peace and love fill your souls. He came to feed the hungry and offer drink to the thirsty. Don’t we all hunger and thirst? Let Him in and partake of His everlasting love!

I hope you are all doing well. Praying for you!

God bless you!

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