Thursday, September 5, 2013

I'm Really Here!!!

I am in Israel!!! I made it here safe and sound and am so excited for the journey that lies ahead. It has been so inspiring to see the dedication and commitment of these remarkable people to their beliefs. Their diligence in prayer and to what they view as sacred is so inspiring to me and motivates me to take time during the day to stop, be still, and recognize the hand of my God. It is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, but I have already learned from these people to never let busyness get in between us and God.

There are amazing people on this tour and I am so excited to make 79 new friends (not including all the Israeli friends I am excited to make)!

I was able to sleep pretty well on the flight (haha I think working night shifts this summer trained me to be okay with the weird sleeping schedule) and the time went so much faster than I expected!

We went into the Old City today. It was remarkable!!! You can just feel in the air how rich the history is here! I am really here!!!!!!! There are so many times I have just stopped and had to tell myself this is real. I’ve experienced so many emotions. Sometimes I am moved to tears at the thought of where I am and all that has occurred here. I can’t describe the joy it has brought me to be in this sacred place and to feel that this is exactly where I am supposed to be.

I want to thank all of you for helping me to get to this point in my life. I especially thank my family for their love and support, and that includes Grandpa Peacock, who made the dream of going to the Holy Land a reality for me. I can already feel God fulfilling promises He has made to me as I begin this journey, which brings me so much joy and strengthens my trust in Him. I know He will fulfill His promises to you too as you follow Him with faith. I hope that my soul will be enlarged with a deeper understanding of and love for God’s children. I pray that I can live in such a way that I testify of God’s love by example and through His light that He has blessed each of us with.

Love you all!

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