Sunday, December 8, 2013


I just experienced the greatest 11 days of my life. We spent our time in En Gev, a kibbutz next to the Sea of Galilee. It was remarkable to wake up to the site of the Sea outside my window, and to watch the sun go down in the evening.

Just a forewarning, this post is going to be really long because we did so many great things. Enjoy!

Day one: November 25

Beth Shean
Ancient toilets

Train ride in Beth Shean
Church of the Annunciation. This church commemorates the announcement from Gabriel to Mary that she would have a son (see Luke 1: 26-28). There were beautiful mosaics from all over the world depicting Mary and the baby Jesus.
St. Joseph Church. This church is built over the traditional site of Joseph's carpenter shop and the home of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus.
Mount Arbel. Our first overview of the beautiful Sea of Galilee. Words can't describe the peace I felt as I looked out at this beautiful sea the afternoon we arrived.

Day Two: November 26
Boat ride on the Sea of Galilee
Capernaum. Christ moved here after being rejected by the people of Nazareth. Peter and Andrew lived here. Jesus made Peter's home his headquarters (see Mark 2:1).
Ginosar boat. This boat dates to between 100 BC and 70 AD. It was so neat to get a better image of the boats Christ and his disciples would have sailed on.
Mount of Beatitudes. This is a church that commemorates the Sermon on the Mount.

Mount of Beatitudes
St. Peter's Primacy. This is the traditional site where the resurrected Lord appeared to His disciples, while they were fishing in the Sea of Galilee, and fed them breakfast (John 21:1-13).
My first time stepping in the Sea of Galilee
The Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes. This church commemorates the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 (see Luke 9:10-17).
Inside the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes
We tried cow tongue at dinner! Yum yum ;)

Day three: November 27
The Fish Restaurant. We tried Talapia, the fish that Peter likely fished. It was actually pretty good, coming from someone who doesn't like fish. We probably played with our food a little too much beforehand though...

Carissa and I also tried the Spaghetti, Lady and the Tramp style.
We found money in the fishes mouth ;) Okay, we might have put it there to go along with the New Testament story (see Matthew 17:24-27)

Day Four: November 28
Gamla in the Golan Heights
Canoeing in the Jordan River! This was the perfect canoeing experience- a mix of splashing and fun along with time to reflect on God's loving hand in my life. It was a memorable Thanksgiving experience!

Day Five: November 29
We went on a beautiful hike in the Golan Heights. The beauty of God's creations never cease to amaze me. They are a witness to me of His love and care for us, His children.

Day Six: November 30
We attended Sacrament meeting with the Tiberias Branch. This was the view from our meetinghouse! It was breath taking to look out at the Sea of Galilee, while reflecting on the life of Christ. The Tiberias branch has 47 members and use six languages at any given meeting- Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish, German, Russian, and English. The Sacrament prayer for the bread was given in Hebrew! And one of the branch members sang Silent Night in Arabic. She has translated 19 hymns to Arabic. The people were so loving and welcoming!

After church, we went to a Jordan River baptismal site. It was so beautiful!

The beautiful Sea of Galilee

Day Seven: December 1
Church of Transfiguration. This is where they believe Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James, and John on Mount Tabor (see Matthew 17). We sang a few Christmas songs inside. It was so touching to see people get emotional. I value the few opportunities we get to bear testimony of Jesus Christ through song. One of the monk's came up to us afterwards and thanked us and said, "It was beautiful. I was crying a lot. Thank you."

Tel Megiddo

Tel Megiddo

Day Eight: December 2

We spent the morning in our New Testament class, which was very insightful. Then we spent the day playing on the beach. My mind was having a difficult time comprehending the fact that it is December, yet we were playing in the water on the beach!

After an enjoyable time on the beach, I watched the beautiful sunset. 

Day Nine: December 3
Har Bental. Syria is behind us. The road to Damascus is 40 miles northeast of Har Bental. 

Har Bental

Bunkers from the wars between Israel and Syria

Nimrod Fortress (A Muslim fortress)
Caesarea Philippi/ Banias. This is were Peter declared, "Thou at the Christ, the Son of the Living God" (see Matthew 16: 13-20).

The Banias waterfall

Tel Dan. Behind us is a gate from Abraham's time.

Hazor (see Judges 4)
Day Ten: December 4
Chorazin. It is kind of hard to tell, but in middle of the picture you can see a path that Christ would have walked on. I have reflected on this road since then and the great gift that I have had to physically walk in Christ's footsteps. However, as my journey here comes closer to an end, I reflect on how I can continue this journey, in His spiritual footsteps. This is a journey that each of can take wherever we are in the world.

Sepphoris. This city had the prettiest and most well-preserved mosaics I have ever seen.

A road that connected from Sepphoris to Nazareth during Christ's time. Joseph was a craftsman, which also included working with stone. He likely walked on this road to go to work, and his son, Jesus, probably followed behind him.

Akko- an important port during Canaanite, Old Testament, Roman, New Testament, and Crusader eras. Paul visited here.


The last night of Hannukah. These donuts were delicious!
Day Eleven: December 5
Mount Carmel- Muhraqa. This is where Elijah contested with the priests of Baal, the storm god. It was neat that it was raining on the day we went, considering the story (see 1 Kings 12).
Overlook of Haifa
Haifa Cemetery. There are some LDS missionaries buried here.
Caesarea-Herod's aqueduct
Caesarea Maritima- A port city built by Herod the Great. Philip, Peter, and Paul did missionary work here.

Caesarea Maritima

This trip provided so many opportunities for growth and learning, both spiritually and academically. I am so grateful for the opportunities I have been given. 

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