Friday, December 13, 2013

Birthday in Jerusalem!

I woke up to a Christmas and birthday miracle: SNOW IN JERUSALEM!!! 

We started on our trek to the Old City in the snow/slush, then all of a sudden we were being bombarded with snowballs! I guess our neighborhood friends got a little excited about the record amount of snow, and couldn't help but throw it :)
Damascus Gate
Here we are in the Old City!
All I wanted for my birthday was a hot chocolate cake from the Jewish bakery! My wish came true! We also ate hot, fresh pita's from the Christian quarter of the Old City.
Then we went to Shaban's store (one of the store owners who has great connections with the students from "Mormon University"). He gave us mint herbal tea and gave me a free pair of earrings and a ring for my birthday.
We danced to the Taylor Swift "22" song in his shop. Then my friend Zak, another store owner gave me a Reeses and oreo's, two of my very favorite treats!
This umbrella definitely helped keep us dry ;)
On our way out of the Old City, we ran into people roasting chestnuts on an open fire! I just stopped to take a picture, but they wanted me to have one. Then they cooked chestnuts for all of us! All these gifts I've been given are a demonstration of how generous these people are.
Our delicious chestnuts!
Here is the Dome of the Rock and Western Wall covered with snow!

My bed/ room was covered with balloons and cards and a candy poster! So much love!

Thank you so much for all the love and support coming from home! I miss you guys, but am grateful for this once in a lifetime chance to spend my 22nd birthday in Jerusalem! It was a perfect day!

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