Monday, November 11, 2013

O Little Town of Bethlehem

We went to Bethlehem today. We started our day off at the Herodium, a palace of Herod the Great. Herod built this palace to glorify himself. Pride and selfishness ruled his daily life. He was power hungry and delighted in being called the King of the Jews. Ironically, the true King of Kings, Jesus Christ, would be born during his time, not very far away from his palace.

The Herodium (The palace is on top of this tel (man made archaeological mound))

Herod's Palace

Bathhouse (It's hard to see the dimension from this picture, but it was huge)

Then we went to the Church of the Nativity, which was built over the cave that is believed to be the place Christ was born.

The manger

Then we went to the fields of Bethlehem, overlooking the town of Bethlehem. I think it is beautiful that Bethlehem means "House of Bread," for the Bread of Life was born here.

We had the opportunity to reflect on the birth of Christ and sing Christmas hymns. As the sun started to go down, I noticed a single star shining brightly, right above the modern town of Bethlehem. That star was the only star visible in the sky for a while. Christmas night became so much more real and personal. I felt as if I was one of the shepherds, being told the good tidings of great joy. The night was so peaceful and still.

Words will never fully express the peace and hope that filled my heart as I reflected on the wondrous Gift given by our loving Father in Heaven. Why would He, a God, condescend and come into this world in the humblest of all circumstances? Because He loves us and desired to submit to His Father's will. He came for me and He came for you. He came to save all mankind. He came to give each of us abundant life. He lived, suffered, and died for each of us. I testify with all my heart that the precious Christ child who was born 2,000 years ago lives on as a glorified, resurrected Lord. He lives to comfort, lift, strengthen, and heal us! His grace and redeeming love are sufficient to change and save us. May you feel His deep and matchless love for you this day and always! Look for manifestations of His love in your daily life and I promise you will find it.

The shepherds fields of Bethlehem

If you look very closely, you can see a brightly shining star above the tree. Pictures don't even come close to doing it justice, but in real life this scene made the Christmas story come to life!

A quote from Elder Maxwell perfectly describes the feelings I had this night and have had throughout this semester. He declared, "The same God that placed a star in a precise orbit millennia before it appeared over Bethlehem in celebration of the birth of the babe has equal, if not more, attention to the placement of each of us in human orbits, so we may, if we will, illuminate the landscape of our individual lives, so that our light may not only lead others, but warm them as well" (Elder Neal A. Maxwell, That My Family Should Partake, 1974, p. 86). I hope that you can feel the truth of these words. God is actively involved in your life. He is aware of the details. His plan for you is individual and complete. He has placed you here on the earth at this time for reason. May you discover and embrace His plan for you. May you bless and reach out to your fellow traveler's along the way, for every person comes into your life for and reason. You have remarkable potential to influence and lead others for good, as well as bring them hope and comfort! I am grateful for that babe in Bethlehem, even our Savior, Jesus Christ, that made it possible for you and I to reach our full potential.

1 comment:

  1. Catie thank you so much for taking time to blog about your experiences! I love reading them and seeing your pictures. You uplift me so much and continually bring me and everyone around you closer to Christ. I love you!!!!!!
