Saturday, November 9, 2013


This past week we traveled to Jordan. It was a great trip! Here are some of the highlights of the trip:

Carissa and me in the Jordan River

Going to the Jordan River renewed my gratitude for the covenants I have made with my Father in Heaven. I am so grateful for the power found in covenant making and keeping. There is peace and safety that comes as we follow Christ into the waters of baptism and renew our commitment to Him each week as we partake of the Sacrament.

Brother Belnap shared a great insight with us while we were at the Jordan River. Christ was baptized, not to be cleansed of sins, for He was perfect, but to personally participate in that sacred ordinance and to make a personal covenant with His Father. This moment was sacred and significant to Christ Himself. Christ taught us through His perfect example that our covenants are sacred and empowering.

Another significant insight about the Jordan River is that Joshua led the children of Israel through the waters of Jordan on dry ground (see Joshua 3), to get to the promised land. At these same waters, Christ was baptized which allows us to get to the promised land. Christ literally opened the way for us to make it to the promised land.

Jabbok River

At the Jabbok river, we talked about Jacob's wrestle with the Lord (see Genesis 32: 22-28) and also discussed Enos' wrestle with the Lord (see Enos 1:2). In both circumstances, Jacob and Enos were pleading to the Lord for help and neither was going to leave until they received an answer to their prayers. They showed great faith and confidence in the Lord. Both were given a great reward in the end. Jacob's name was changed to Israel, which means "One who prevails with God" or "Let God prevail." It wasn't until after Jacob's struggle that his name was changed. And his name change is significant to all of us, because it teaches each of us that every time we wrestle before the Lord, the answer is the same: God prevails! And Enos was promised rest and residence in Heaven (see Enos 1:27).


Citadel- Temple of Hercules

Jerash (this city has a thousand pillars still standing)



King Hussein Mosque
Philadelphia- Roman Theater and Odeon

Royal Automobile Museum

The pictures below are from Petra. Hiking around in Petra was definitely a highlight of this whole semester. There are a lot of amazing man-made things in Petra, but my favorite part was the breath-taking rock formations. I am so grateful for the beautiful earth that God created for our enjoyment! One of the reasons I loved Petra was because it led my thoughts to my earthly father and heavenly Father. My earthly dad has helped me from a young age to appreciate the beauties of God's creations. I am so grateful for both of them. 

This is my camel friend Mickey (yes, like Mickey Mouse!). I loved every minute of the ride I took through Petra on Mickey's back!

The Monastery is behind us

Petra Colonnaded

Petra Colonnaded

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